My Existence Is Enough!


Finally, he got what he wanted. After months of hard work and sweating over the exam, the results were announced, and he had earned the right to apply for the job.

He was the third child of a civil servant family. His father raised all three of them, saying, "I won't leave you a running business or an inheritance. Study hard and secure a job in a government institution as quickly as possible." His older brother had moved abroad, and when his sister got married and had children, she decided to be a stay-at-home mom. Ali decided that spending years on what career path to choose wasn’t necessary. So, he chose the most guaranteed option and decided to sustain his life with an average salary. He graduated from university. After a year of preparation, he was finally able to get the job he wanted.

After completing his paperwork and following numerous procedures, he started to work. Until his assigned department became clear, he took on short-term assignments in several units. He was replacing employees who were on their annual leave. This caused him to observe different approaches of different people.

Deneyimsel Tasarım Öğretisi

Most of the employees in the units would not start working until hours after their official working hours, even though they came to work on time. They do not hesitate to postpone their work. When someone asks questions about the matters, they were responsible for, they could easily say, "I don't know!". Only a few employees would arrive before their shift and are even willing to stay after working hours. They would try to learn and support colleagues, even if the tasks were not related to their field. Those who postponed their tasks would constantly complain about everything, but those who stayed at their posts did not hesitate to take on their work when needed. Ali stacked between these two extremes for a long time. How should he work? Should he take on a heavy workload, or should he be a burden?

Before his responsibilities increased, Ali decided to talk to Mr. Turgut, the oldest employee in his unit. He went to Mr. Turgut's office with two cups of tea and asked for his permission to enter. Mr. Turgut could tell that Ali had a problem by reading his face.

-             Yes, Ali, my brother, have you settled into your new job? Turgut asked.

-             Yes, I do… I've learned how to do the work, but I couldn’t decide what to do on a topic.

-             Is that so? What kind of problem are you facing?

-             I see a lot of extremes here. Some people read books instead of working, some go from room to room for chatting, and some leave early claiming they have other things to do. Some say, "I don't know what to do" even though they have responsibilities. On the other hand, there are those who work continuously, finish their work early, and even support colleagues in matters they are not responsible for. I haven't had any work experience before. I started working here after finishing school, but I didn't imagine that work life would be like this. I can't figure out which way to choose or what kind of work style I should adopt. One side looks very comfortable but witnessing the effort on the other side troubles my mind. I don't want to use someone or someone to use me… I am a bit confused, as you can understand. I see people who work diligently, they fight their fatigue with their smiles. Others are constantly complaining and are unhappy.

You, on the other hand, work comfortably, always have a smile on your face, and solve so many tasks… Even managers consult you. How do you keep this balance?

Mr. Turgut listened to Ali with a sad look. It was unfortunate for someone who had just started a job to think about these issues. Instead, they should be excited and highly motivated about their new job.

-             Ali, you've made a good observation, congratulations on that. As you said, there are significant performance differences in this institution. This is not my first workplace. I had the opportunity to work in two companies that were engaged in trading before. They were businesses with longer working hours and where two or even three people's work had to be done by one person. When I started working in this institution, I faced a big gap. At that time, the things you already saw had caught my attention too. After all that hard work, should I relax now, or should I work harder to benefit the place I work? I asked myself this question. The second option was the right choice for me. Looking back today, I'm glad I chose the challenging path.

When people think they have secured their position, they stop making an effort, and stop struggling. But getting a job, whether through an exam, performance, or any other way, does not give you the right to receive a salary until retirement. It only gives you the right to work until retirement. That's why in institutions that don't make decisions based on performance, many employees can develop an "I am enough" attitude, especially in individuals who have no previous work experience. However, getting a job through an exam only gives you the right to work there, and success depends on your determination.

Experiential Design Teaching states that: "People are as meaningful in their relationships as they need to be, and the life of each relationship extends as long as the need lasts."

Meaning is the response that satisfies and fulfills a need.

A person's existence should always have a meaning.

A person gains meaning as they fulfill their needs. In every place they enter, every task they undertake, every burden they take on, and as they meet their needs, they become more apparent. Their name is mentioned, their absence is noticed, they are sought, consulted, wanted, awaited, missed... Otherwise, they become unbearable. They cause discomfort in every environment they enter, become a burden, create tension, annoy others, and are expected to leave.

So, the issue is not about gaining a right. The issue is about giving the right to what you've gained.

The eyes of a person can be beautiful, but does he also have a meaningful look?

A person can speak beautifully but does it have a meaning?

A person can be wealthy but does he give to charity?

A person can have a job position, but is he able to train others?

In other words, how does a person add meaning to the things he thinks he owns…

Don't forget! Every result carries the signature of its owner. People can look at the result and understand to whom it belongs.

This job was definitely done by him.

This is his writing style.

This is his cooking.

This house is well organized, it must have been done by his mother.

This team has his discipline.

This must definitely be that company's product.

-             So, Ali, decide what you want to put your signature on.

In life, we can either be those who bear one another's burdens or those who are a burden.

What do you want to be?

What should your existence represent?

Should your existence have a real meaning in everyone and everything in your life?

Deneyimsel Tasarım Öğretisi geçmiş deneyimlerden yola çıkarak, geleceğimizi tasarlamaya yönelik stratejiler üreten bir bilgi topluluğudur.

“Kim Kimdir”,” İlişkilerde Ustalık” ve “Başarı Psikolojisi” seminerleriyle mutlu ve başarılı olmak isteyen insanlara problemlerini çözmeleri ve hedeflerine ulaşabilmeleri için ihtiyaç duydukları yöntemleri öğretir. 

"Hayatta hiçbir zaman keşfedilemeyecek tek bir şey vardır; Daha iyisi…"

Yahya Hamurcu


Meryem Sak dedi ki…
We should really try to decide carefully. Thank you for sharing this post. It was very beneficial and great read, we can use these strategies in every aspect of ourlives.🌱
Beşir dedi ki…
Harika bir yazı. Bana çok şeyi yeniden düşündürdü ..
Yusuf dedi ki…
Mükemmel bir yazı!
Merve dedi ki…
Is your existence have real meaning?
We should stop and think about this!
Adsız dedi ki…
No aim means no gain,no meaning. Most lives and most of a life without a goal is in vain.. Excellent writing.
Emel dedi ki…
Kaleminize sağlık... :)
beril dedi ki…
"People are as meaningful in their relationships as they need to be, and the life of each relationship extends as long as the need lasts." So True!!
Adsız dedi ki…
🌸🍀 thank you
Adsız dedi ki…
Please accept my deepest thanks🌺
Adsız dedi ki…
A person's existence should always have a meaning...