Do We Underestimate?


Our today, our yesterday, our tomorrow,

Our life and all we experienced,

Our given sustenance,

Our trust,

Our promise,

We were always in need of something.

When we got what we needed, we thought it was ours. We hoarded it, didn't share it.

We didn't know how to thank the giver for all that was given. 

Did we take it for granted?

We were pleased anytime we received things but we behaved as though it was our own success. 

We couldn't see how fair is foul and foul is fair.

Did we grieve too much for what we have lost?

Yet again, we couldn’t see the blessings in disguise.

And we blamed Him...

Maybe not directly, but by belittling the things we had. 

We didn't like the results...

Was it our ingratitude?

Or was it our cruelty?

What was the reason? Why couldn’t we give something its due!

Did we choose the shortcuts, and by doing so did we go out of our way?

Did we forget?

Was it because we didn't know?

Truly, we didn't know that along with hardship there is ease…

Even though the promise was already made we were impatient. We wanted the results immediately. 

We were hasty...

We lingered and lingered…

And while it seemed like we were gaining in the moment, we lost in total…

We thought we were “The free people of the free world”.

But we were in an illusion.

Neither the world was free nor those within...

How could we be free when we are dependent on a single breath?

In fact, we didn't realize how dependent we were when we claimed we were free... 

We couldn’t see the shackles on our feet because the roof over us had no walls.

We were not left unattended, we were unaware.

On our hands, a sheet of paper waiting to be handed over to the Examiner.

But we failed to take responsibility.

We filled it randomly, neglected proper care, and failed to make it appealing.

Was it that difficult to honor the trust?

To act responsibly, to achieve beauty, when there was such an exemplary rose in front of us.

Was it difficult to adhere to boundaries and not transgress?

Was it so challenging to postpone temporary pleasures? 

Was it so difficult not to be misled by the illusion of "living in the moment"?

Was it too hard to do our best and have no expectations from the external world but from our inner selves?

It was easy, quite easy…

We made it difficult with our choices.

People make mistakes, but once is a mistake twice is a choice.

If only we didn’t insist on our mistakes,

If only we sought refuge in His mercy and got up from where we fell,

We would have already reaped the rewards of our efforts.


We, too, undervalued our own capabilities.

We forgot that we are all caliphs on this earth.

We forgot that we are on a stage, His stage...

And we forgot the day we are going to meet Him.

Because we took it all for granted…

Başarı Psikolojisi hakkında


D.K. dedi ki…
Because we took it all for granted…
tarçınlıcevizli dedi ki…
Bizi bize ne tatlı anlatmışsınız. Acı ama gerçek, farkına vardıran ve çözüm barındıran🌺
Nazlı K dedi ki…

We thought we were “The free people of the free world”. 🙄
Emel dedi ki…
Kaleminize sağlık...
Zerrin dedi ki…
"And we forgot the day we are going to meet Him.

Because we took it all for granted…" I hope we remember the day we are going to meet Him, before it is too late :(
Beril dedi ki…
''We thought we were “The free people of the free world”. Wgat an illusion:(