Don't Love Me Too Much!

Deneyimsel Tasarım Öğretisi

Don't love me too much!

When you buy every toy I want

Mommy, please don't love me too much!

Every time I cried, you ran to me,

Every time I fall down, you pick me up,

When you spooned my food into my mouth,

When you swung me around for hours because I wouldn't sleep,

When you bought every toy I wanted,

When you cleaned up the milk I spilled on the floor,

When you carried my school bag,

When you ran to pick up the notebook I forgot at school,

When you brought my water to my room,

When you turned on cartoons for me so I wouldn't get bored,

When you gave me your cell phone whenever I asked for it,

When I don't like the food and whine, when you get up and immediately cook something I like,

When you tidied up my room and made my bed,

When you went to take out the trash because you were so fond of me,

When you had brought the book I'd forgotten to school behind my back,

Even if I was wrong, when my father was angry with me and you intervened and defended me,

When you argued with my friend's mother because of me,

You'll love me more and more and more.

I won't love you.

I'll love myself.

Deneyimsel Tasarım Öğretisi

I will become more selfish and insensitive to you.

One day I will grow up and when you say to me, "I did everything for you," I will be able to say, "Who asked you to do that? You shouldn't have done it."

The more you miss me, the less I will want to see you.

Sometimes I will trip and fall when you are not with me.

But I won't be able to get up on my own.

I don't know how to get up without someone's support!

My muscles are very weak.

I will thinkthat everyone has to do what I say, that they have to do it. I will have high expectations from the outside world. And as long as I think like this, on the contrary, I will see that no one does what I want.


I will be unhappy, mommy!

I will think that the whole world spins around me.

Do you know what it means to fall from a high place, mom?

When I make a mistake, I'll think that I won't pay for it, that others should pay for it, so I'll make mistakes very easily, without thinking. But it won't be like that. Because no one will pay for my mistake. But I will not have the power to pay that price! Life will force me to pay these prices that I didn't pay in time. I will start to complain and I will start to be rebellious.


Life will start to seem boring to me. It will be a hard thing for me to produce, to work somewhere. I will want to have entertainment, I will always want to have joy in my life. But because I consume my pleasures too much in advance, I will always have low pleasure. Nothing I do will give me pleasure.


I'll be in the sea, but I'll be very thirsty. Do you know what that means?



If you don't love me very much today,

When I become more successful, happier,

I will love you so much in the future... 

Experiential Design Teaching is a knowledge community that produces strategies for designing our future based on past experiences.

The "Who is Who""Mastery in Relationships" and "Success Psychology" Seminar Programs offer the needed methods for those who want to be happy and successful in life by solving their problems and achieving their goals.

"There is only one thing in life that never can be discovered; The better one..."

Yahya Hamurcu 

