Mastering Communication & Relationships

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Mastering Communication & Relationships 

“Why can't we get along?”

“Why can’t we communicate?”

“Why can't I get my point across?”

“Why don't you understand me?”

“Why am I always misunderstood?”

“Why am I the only one trying to make this relationship work?”

“Why can't we meet in the middle?”


Those and so many more unanswered questions in our heads…

Without the right solutions, they keep piling up.

What if we knew the solution?

What if there was a way, a manual?

To understand

To be understood

To be heard and to truly listen.

What if it was easy to communicate?

To take the right steps in our relationships

To meet our needs.

What if we made it all difficult by ignoring our problems?

Or maybe we tried...

Maybe we spoke our minds and addressed every single issue, but our words did not mean anything.

Maybe we yelled to be heard, but we made it worse.

Maybe we gave up...

Maybe we started again...

This time we spoke more gently, but no luck.

What if it was possible to communicate without speaking?

Without yelling,

Without compromising one’s boundaries?

Without hurting each other?

What if it was possible to be effective in our communication?

But how?

Where to begin?

If not now, when? 

 Experiential Design Teaching is a knowledge community that produces strategies for designing our future based on past experiences.

The "Who is Who""Mastery in Relationships" and "Success Psychology" Seminar Programs offer the needed methods for those who want to be happy and successful in life by solving their problems and achieving their goals.

"There is only one thing in life that never can be discovered; The better one..."

Yahya Hamurcu


Tanya dedi ki…
Super 👍
Sibel dedi ki…
Bunu bu seminerleri alan bilir. Gerçekten insanın hayatı değişir mi? Evet değişir hemde ne değişir 😍 herkese nasip olmasını dilerim. İyi ki varsınız 🥰
E.U dedi ki…
Thank you for this article 🌸
NK dedi ki…
Çok güzel bir eğtim, insanlara nasıl iletişim kurucam. İlişkilerde yaptığım hatalarımı düzeltmeye yardımcı oldu.
mrv dedi ki…
If not now, when?

So insprational...

Meryem dedi ki…
Exactly! We make things diffucult. But it all boils down to being ignorant. We don’t try to learn how to be effective communicators we do as we feel like it. Knowledge is the key. Thank you for sharing🌱
Emel dedi ki…
Şimdi değilse ne zaman... Doğru iletişim için dogru zamanı beklemek... doğru zaman şimdi, hadi! 😊