One Who Unites İs Stronger Than One

Deneyimsel Tasarım Öğretisi


The television was on, which did not fit the style of the café they were sitting in.

Ayşe, the owner of the café, wanted to offer a comfortable environment to the visitors. Therefore, even the sound of the music playing inside would not interfere with the conversations. That's why Ali found it strange when he saw the television on. As soon as the weather warmed up, Ali used to come here very often with his daughters. It was a bit far from the city, but it had a beautiful garden in front of it, and a small stream flowed in front of it. The girls loved the lemonade and apple pie here.

Images of the recent events in Gaza flashed on the screen. Ali's heart ached, ‘they bombed again?’ he said. ‘When will this cruelty end?’.

There were images of children in Gaza on the news. There was talk of food shortage, destroyed houses, broken families, children left alone, mothers crying without a sound, desperate fathers. All these images suddenly came to life in Ali's mind. The whole world had been witnessing these images for months. But it was hard not to be surprised by the calm and mature reactions of the children. It was not easy to understand the reason for their patience without shouting and throwing themselves on the ground, carrying both fear and hope in their eyes. Despite the fact that they had lost so much, despite the fact that they had almost nothing, they behaved as if these things were not a problem. They had built a world for themselves in the war. They were playing games again, laughing again.

Ali thought about his own children. No bombs were falling on their heads, they were going to school, their bellies were full, they had beds at home where they could sleep safely at night. Their parents were with them. How were they different from the children in Gaza. Just a week ago, they celebrated 23 April Children's Day. ‘Actually, the children living in Gaza should celebrate this day,’ he said.

This year the celebrations seemed more enthusiastic to Ali. Maybe because his daughters had started school and he had been able to get involved in this. They had been preparing for the show for a month.

In the town square, colourful balloons decorated the sky and children ran around under them. Flags, loud music, activities in schools.

Ali always had good memories about 23 April. Although he and his friends were worried about rain almost every celebration day, he used to have fun with them.

Then his eyes went back to the television screen,

‘In this life, you cannot be happy only by making yourself happy.

While someone else's happiness makes you happy, their sadness makes you sad‘ he thought.

Right Decision, Nice Move

For a moment it was difficult for Ali to watch all this. He always felt the lack of this, but he never knew how to help. The news article mentioned that an aid corridor could be opened. Hasan came to his mind, they had talked about it with him a few times. Hasan's network was also very wide. ‘Maybe we can do something this time,’ he said. ‘We can turn one day into a celebration for the children there.‘’

A week later, they started a charity campaign in the town. This time there were posters in the city centre. A bazaar will be organised and the income will be sent to Gaza. The campaign received support from almost every house. Perhaps for the first time in its history, the town was so united. Even two neighbours who had been estranged for years came together and put jam in jars.

When people were united around a common goal, most things became trivial.

How good it felt to produce together. This campaign did what balloons could not do. One day could really be a festival for the children in Gaza.

Experiential Design Teaching says that intention is necessary at the beginning of every work.

Purposes are intended, a life without a purpose has no balance. Humans are capable of everything. All he needs to do for this is to be clear. Then the mind answers the question ‘how?’

 Experiential Design Teaching is a knowledge community that produces strategies for designing our future based on past experiences.

The "Who is Who""Mastery in Relationships" and "Success Psychology" Seminar Programs offer the needed methods for those who want to be happy and successful in life by solving their problems and achieving their goals.

"There is only one thing in life that never can be discovered; The better one..."

Yahya Hamurcu 

