Occupied Freedom

Deneyimsel Tasarım Öğretisi



Which of us is free?

Which one of us is under occupation?

While bombs are falling on the city,

Kids inside are still kids

Dancing under the rain

Miss world is combing her hair

Sometimes she is playing games; sometimes football, sometimes she is being martyred

Her big eyes are wide with fear but she stands uprightly

She is scared but she's holding her brother's shaking legs gently


Oh dear child

Our dear children...

When I can't even describe the pain

Children who are suffering


What about our own children?

What made them so insatiable and unhappy?

Their full belly, with soft beds, thousand and one toys?

Which child is free now?

Which child is occupied?


While pressing her to her chest, the mother hugs her child for the last time...

When a grandfather’s tears runs down his face, "Every morning, she used to run and hug me first" he says while kissing her grandchild...

A father carries his baby, small enough to fit in his bicycle basket, on his last journey...

What gave them that power?

Look at their pain,


Which of us is free?

Which of us is under occupation?

Deneyimsel Tasarım Öğretisi

Private schools, private courses, foreign language lessons, and all the clothes they ever wanted…

'If your friend has it, let's buy it for you too.' They can’t be left behind from new phones and tablets...

And many more…

Those endless desires

So, which parent is free,

Which one is captive?


Thousands of bombs raining down on a handful of ground,

Without even taking a step back they are standing strong

While losing their homes, their jobs…

Their lives…

What about me, what about us?

What would we have done, be honest with yourself..?

Who are the free ones?

Who is under occupation?


Cut one string

Come on, the thinnest one.

Don't underestimate the small, the simple

Look at how small that child is, but how big his heart...


Whichever you can...

Whatever they are, those strings that tie you...

Things you say 'I can't do without’...

Cut one, remove one

Cut the one that will strengthen the others...


But never give up on just one thing...

The One who plans everything,

The One who weaves finely,

The One  who is always the winner

The Creator,

The One who continues to create...

The One who Manages all,

The One who continues to manage...

Don't forget His justice!

Don't forget His mercy!

Never leave Him!

Experiential Design Teaching is a knowledge community that produces strategies for designing our future based on past experiences.

The "Who is Who""Mastery in Relationships" and "Success Psychology" Seminar Programs offer the needed methods for those who want to be happy and successful in life by solving their problems and achieving their goals.

"There is only one thing in life that never can be discovered; The better one..."

Yahya Hamurcu 


A. Ü dedi ki…
A very impressive article. Thanks
Sibel dedi ki…
Kaleminize sağlık 👏
Zerrin dedi ki…
"Which of us is free? Which of us is under occupation?" Except Gazza, we are all under occupation :(